Wine Makers Import LLC

Our Wineries

Cantine Teanum - Puglia - Italia

The Teanum Cellars are located on a slightly hilly territory that extends from the Gargano to the Monti Dauni, in the north of Puglia, an ancient land once called Daunia and then Capitanata, precisely in the territory of San Paolo di Civitate.
For more than a decade, thanks to the initiative of its members, Teanum begins a journey studded with a serious investment policy that allows to improve, year after year, the quality of wines and to significantly expand the production of bottling until it reaches and exceed one million bottles.
Thanks to the experience, determination, professionalism and talent of its members and the human and professional quality of its collaborators, Teanum writes successful pages also due to environmental, cultural and historical variables that are rooted in the territory where It rises.
Visions and projects: Teanum men have given life to high-quality vitiviniculture, choosing both native and international varieties with greater potential, which are better suited to the soil, climate, enological needs and national and international market demands.

Punti Ferrer - Colchagua Valley - Chile

Antonio Puntí Ferrer always dreamt of dedicating his life to the production of fine wines, just as his father did when he arrived to Chile from Manresa – Spain. Together with his wife Andrea Lagos, they started this project only with the will and conviction to succeed, with the goal of a better life for themselves and their family, in the country side, away from the chaos of the capital city where they lived back then.For this, first with the joining of Maximo Humbser to the group, and then with the addition of Eduardo Bentjerodt, they were able to shape this dream, and little by little managed to forge this project into what it has become today, together with the support of their entire team throughout the years.

Tenuta Orsumella - Toscana - Italia

Antonio Puntí Ferrer always dreamt of dedicating his life to the production of fine wines, just as his father did when he arrived to Chile from Manresa – Spain. Together with his wife Andrea Lagos, they started this project only with the will and conviction to succeed, with the goal of a better life for themselves and their family, in the country side, away from the chaos of the capital city where they lived back then.For this, first with the joining of Maximo Humbser to the group, and then with the addition of Eduardo Bentjerodt, they were able to shape this dream, and little by little managed to forge this project into what it has become today, together with the support of their entire team throughout the years.

Villa Almadi - Veneto - Italia

Allegra, Manuel & Diego, the Almadi inspiration
The Almadi family of wine lists known varietals from Veneto along with famous blends such as Amarone and Ripasso, all made with an high grade of quality. Each wine is the result of the care and passion the winery puts in the vineyards and in the vinification process, as the extension of the family traditions on wine making carried for more than 100 years.
This love and care, naturally suggested the name Almadi, since the word Al-Ma-Di stands for the initials of the names of my 3 children, and as such it was used to represent with a selection only the best wine juices produced.​

Fontanavecchia - Campania - Italia

With peasant courage and unconditional dedication, Orazio and Libero Rillo cultivate their vineyards, which are well exposed and perched on a silent hill of Benevento. We are for the accuracy in the territory of the municipality of Torrecuso, and it is here that we find the eighteen hectares of vineyards that I respond to the name of "Fontanavecchia", a long-standing and long-standing winery belonging to the Sannio wine scene. Born in the penultimate decade of the last century, in 1980 to be exact, the Fontanavecchia company has always followed in a meticulous way every production step, both in the vineyard and in the cellar, so as to offer a range of labels that stands out among the best regional excellence. Among the rows of vines, the autochthonous vine varieties reign supreme, for which we find vines of falanghina, foxtail, aglianico, fiano, piedirosso and greco. On soils of predominantly clayey nature, the vines are trained in Guyot, and are treated with rigor and meticulousness, respecting at the most what is the balance of the environment, the ecosystem and nature. In the cellar, philosophy is not very different, so in the sign of the most ancient and rooted local traditions, the grapes are processed and interpreted keeping in mind what is the main objective, aimed at enhancing and enhancing what the season and the territory were able to express in the fruit. The result of all this is given by labels that respond to names like "Facetus", "Vigna Cataratte", "Horace", "Grave Mora", "Nudo Eroico" and "Principe Lotaro". From the Agrianico del Taburno to the Piedirosso, from the Fiano to the Greco, from the Falanghina of Taburno to finish with the Spumanti, the Rosati and the Grappe, are all bottles, those of Fontanavecchia, which are precise and precise, able to involve the nose with complex olfactory bouquets, and able to conquer the palate thanks to an important and valuable gustatory tension.

Podere Castorani - Abruzzo - Italia

This was until a few years ago, when the stories of the ancient history were renewed thanks to the tenacious will of a group of friends, the current members of the Castorani company. Each member deals in the first person with the different stages of making wine: from the loving cultivation of the grapes to the careful harvest, from the production of the wine to its promotion and marketing. Combining the passion for good wine with the desire to create a commercial campaign dedicated to quality production, the company operates in full respect of the ancient peasant values ​​that have animated these campaigns for centuries, in the wake of an ancient history of attachment to generous land of Abruzzo.
After years of passionate work, the selection of Castorani wines is the clear expression of a territory devoted to the production of superb quality grapes, transformed with great passion into wine through traditional techniques. Our bottles tell the hills 350 meters high in the town of Alanno, in the Province of Pescara where the vineyards, set between the Majella National Park and the nearby Adriatic coast, enjoy excellent sun exposure and night winds, and of thermal excursions between day and night that give the grapes unique and precious characteristics.

Di Filippo - Umbria - Italia

Agriculture is our profession.
Passion, respect, love are the three forces that move us in daily life next to our vineyards. Passion for our work, respect for the land, love for the family tradition in cultivating the vineyards from which come wines that are pure expression of the territory.
30 hectares, overlooking Assisi, lying on splendidly exposed hills in the sun between Torgiano and Montefalco in the heart of Umbria.
We practice agriculture in full respect of nature, strongly believing in the need to find a constant balance between man, earth, plants and animals.
This is why we adopt organic farming, respecting the rules of biodynamics.
We are sure that this will allow our children to continue farming.

Podere Micheli - Toscana - Italia

The beautiful, the good and the genuine. Podere Micheli is above all a way of life. At Podere Micheli, in the hills around Lucca, between rows of vines and centuries-old olive groves, oil and wine are produced, good air is breathed and the food is healthy. The brothers Massimo and Maurizio Micheli personally take care of the selection of raw materials for the products that are made in small local craft companies, according to the ancient recipes of the mother Maria, cook and custodian of the secrets of Tuscan culinary art.

Sasso di Sole - Toscana - Italia

The family-owned company SassodiSole has the rare peculiarity of being both in the north-eastern part of the Municipality of Montalcino and within the UNESCO Natural Artistic Park of the Val d'Orcia.
The 8 hectares of vineyards are located at an altitude of about 300 meters. Slm. with prevalent exposure to south - south / west. They are entirely made up of the indigenous Sangiovese vine, bred with a low spurred cordon and cultivated exclusively with the agronomic practices typical of the Montalcino tradition. A careful manual selection of the grapes and an aging process in large barrels of 35 and 50 Hl. strictly in Slavonian oak, they act as guarantors of the will of the Terzuoli family to seek quality combined with respect for the typicality of Montalcino.

Carminucci - Marche - Italia

The company, founded by Giovanni Carminucci in 1928 and continuously active throughout the last century, is today led by the son of the founder, Piero, who has oriented production to high quality choices.
The company, marketing the wholesale product, since 1999 has started bottling the wines produced from the grapes of its specialized vineyards, obtaining many awards and reviews.
The acknowledgments we are receiving from the main guides in the sector and in the territorial and international contests encourage us in our choices and transmit new ideas for the future
The company vineyards have an extension of 45 hectares, between the municipalities of Offida and Grottammare (where the winery is located), that is to say in the area most famous for the Denominations of Controlled Origin historical for the territory: Rosso Piceno, Rosso Piceno Superiore, Falerio, Pecorino, Passerina.
The high density of the vines per hectare and the thinning of the clusters in the vineyards testify to the desire to carry out qualitative productions accompanied by the choice to obtain low and selective yields.
All our products want to best express the company's efforts combined with the enormous potential of our territory.

I Vinai - Vigneti d’Italia - Veneto - Italia

The project I VINAI is born from the great passion for wine that unites a circle of passionate producers of excellent winemaking from various regions of Italy with Francesco Scalia , a DOC Italian who is a dynamic expert of commerce, connoisseur of wines, and creator and manager of the group, whom in 2008 united their strengths to bring forward these strengths to the rest of the world.
Francesco, throughout the years, has created a team of expert collaborators in probelm solving and internal organization , which allows for a simple and fluent collaboration with all importers .
The attention and constant resarch for new opportunities offered every day by players, gives the Gruppo the possibility to promote a large portfolio of quality products , which allows for the guarantee of the best cost/quality relationship available in the market.
The GRUPPO I VINAI is based in Brooklyn, NYC, under the command of founder and CEO Francesco Scalia. The headquarters for South America are located in the city of São Paulo , Brazil, guided by Egidio De Rosa , another DOC Italian, with expertise in marketing and international commerce, and extended experience in the hospitality and restaurant sector. In order to cover the occidental part of the United States, Los Angeles was established as the organizational headquarters.